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How important are amenities while living through a Pandemic?

How important are amenities while living through a Pandemic?

When the pandemic initially hit our lives and social distancing became the new norm, it was a circuit breaker for most introverts. Yes, the world was enduring an unprecedented scenario and businesses were no doubt suffering, but some of us were selfishly enthusiastic about the idea of working from home, avoiding social interactions, and by doing so, contributing to our national duty of flattening the curve.

Although, work from home does sound very simple – a normal routine would include waking up, being unbothered to dress up for work, eating breakfast, starting work, ordering lunch, continue working, and order more food in and in the process save on transport costs. But when reality hits, it’s a bit different and that’s when you realise that stay-at-home plan has a few cracks.

It’s an undeniable fact that food delivery systems are fantastic in our country, but during the lockdown, we were quick to realize that ordering food daily is expensive. Food delivery fees were stacking up. This is because of the overwhelming demand. So, even a simple meal can cost a lot in an unprecedented situation like this. Most of the working professionals do not have the option to clean and cook two meals a day as they already are in a tight work schedule. Therefore, the best option is to go to the restaurant and save on the delivery charges.

Real estate in Bangalore is quite diverse, many of us opt for flats in Bangalore with a living space that is big and spacious; where there is access to hi-speed internet, friendly occupants. Well, this may seem like an ideal atmosphere to work from home until the reality we step out of our homes.

Most of the millennials do not own a car and prefer public transport. Cash-rich & asset-light is the way to go for urban professionals who splurge selectively. This is where the amenities in and around your society plays an integral role. The properties of DSR group- one of the top builders in Bangalore, are often right smack in any urban center, and are close to transport nodes, F&B outlets, and workspaces. An experience of braving the process of riding public transport for a simple grocery shopping during COVID-19 is the reason why you need to opt for an integrated neighborhood.

Work from home is undeniably the future, if there is anything to take away from the pandemic, it’s that most of the work of white-collar jobs can happen from home. Staying at home has its perks, and there are a lot of options to make it more comfortable. But in the end, people would still prefer to pick their groceries and save on extra expenses. These lifestyle conveniences of having amenities nearby are what is required in these trying times.



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